The studio is a small, intimate space and was designed to maximize as much of that space as possible. There are essentially three rooms: main studio space, private studio space, and the wash room. There are very few permanent structures in the studio: ballet barre, Ped-O-Pul, and TRX multi-mount structure that are all on the east wall. All of the other Pilates equipment can be moved out of the main room and stored in the back room (or private studio space) in order to have an open studio space for mat classes, barre, and Fletcher Floorwork.
Most people that come into the studio are surprised to learn that Pilates is actually a surname. Joseph H. Pilates is the man that is credited with creating the movement program we call Pilates, a distinction that was made posthumously. Joseph Pilates called his work Contrology and described it as "complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit" that was critical for transforming the body physically and also transcending oneself to a higher level of well being or whole-body health. In 1929, Pilates opened his Universal Gymnasium (or studio) in New York City and really honed and established his brand, Contrology, with his partner Clara Pilates. An author of two books and innovative line of equipment, his ideas and apparati continue to flourish as a world-wide phenomena. His book, Return To Life Through Contrology, is still very relevant today.
The Pilates Movement Principles
- Awareness
- Balance
- Breath
- Centering
- Concentration
- Control
- Flowing Motion
- Precision
- Rhythm
- Oppositional Energy
- Endurance
- Spirit

"Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness." -Joseph H. Pilates, Return to Life Through Contrology.